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FI Controlling

The unit supports internal stakeholders and acts as a central point of contact for all kind of controlling issues. Our business covers strategic financial planning (EFP), budgeting as well as management reports that serve as  governance instruments. Furthermore, we are responsible for the administration of UZH's organizational structures as well as SAP authorization.

FI Funding

FI-Funding ("Grants Management") supports scientists in the financial management of their third-party funds. This includes advice in the review of project financing, the opening and administration of externally funded projects, and regular internal and external reporting.

We manage around 5'000 projects with expenditures of around 300 million CHF a year.

FI Governance

Helps senior management to identify and assess opportunities and risks. Ensures the framework for UZH to function effectively in the area of finance and in accordance with legal requirements. Develops and prepares management-related information. Serves as an interface to the university management and is responsible for the administration of the Domain of the Vice President Finances.

  • Riskmanagement Office
    This unit oversees key areas of risk, compliance and information security. It supports management members of the university, its faculties and selected institutes in the identification of risks and in the assessment of related chances and opportunities. Furthermore, the team supports those responsible for maintaining local risk registers and develops risk management processes aligned with the internal control and information security policies.
  • Information Management
    The Team Information Managament and Projects provides mangement information and supports the other teams of the Finance Office in elaborating sophisticated reports and statistics. We run the reporting- and analysis-platform «MIRA» which provides access to various types of management information. In collaboration with the team Zentrale Informatik we continously refine the platform and extend the available information.
  • Coordination & Mandates (Refectory, ASVZ)
    This team acts as an interface to the Executive Board (“Universitätsleitung”) and accounts for smooth operations within the Finance Organisation. In addition, it manages and coordinates various overarching projects and mandates assigned to the Finance Organisation, such as the university refectories and the ASVZ sport offering.

FI Integration

This Department steers the various finance information networks of the university and overlooks the continuous development and implementation of the university’s financial strategy. It is constituted out of three teams

  • FI Liaison Dienstleistungsinstitute
    Manages the relation with the largest service provider centres (“Dienstleistungszentren”) of the Medicine and Veterinary faculties.
  • FI Liaison Community
    Manages the relation with the faculties and their organisational units as well as with the central services of the university.
  • FI Laufbahn
    Oversees the development of young talents within the Finance Organisation.

FI Operations

The Finance Operations department is made of two teams:

  • Payment Transactions ("Zahlungsverkehr")
    Payment Transactions is responsible for the correct recording of all business transactions with financial implications with respect to time and purpose. The bookings process approximately 230,000 supplier invoices and expense reimbursements per year and books customer invoices. The bank management allocates approximately 20,000 payments per year to open customer invoices, processes outgoing payments and manages collections.
  • Financial Services ("Finanzdienste")
    Financial Services processes about 9,000 reclassifications/transfers per year and the fixed asset accounting manages the approximately 13,000 assets. We create the financial statements according to the accounting standards of the canton of Zurich based on IPSAS (balance sheet, income statement incl. segment reporting and appendix). We also operate accounting of various legates and foundations and take care of trust mandates. The cashier manages cash transactions and surveys the cash desks of the institutes.